Version History and Release Notes for Spark View
- shadow.html: Fixed a black screen issue when joining the shadowed session (introdeced in build 1075).
- SSH: Fixed a display issue caused by invalid row number (MikroTik Device).
- RDP(GFX): Fixed a decode() of Null issue when noise data were transfered in joined session
- RDP(GFX): Fixed a black screen issue when ffmpeg video decoder is used on Chromium based browsers ("Use graphics acceleration when available" is disabled)
- RDP: Fixed audio recording not working issue when audio playback redirectoin is disabled
- RDP: GFX session will show a play icon instead if it's not started and need user's permission (only happens in Edge when session is in a iframe).
- RDP: Allow relative URL only for returnUrl in the /CONNECT handler(examplePost.html).
- VNC: Fixed "Computer" field may include JavaScript which could be executed in the browser.
- ALL: All error messages will be treated as plain text by defult.
- SSH: Fixed a malform URL issue when some cookies have no values
- RDP: Fixed a black screen issue when joining a GFX session
- RDP: New snapshot API, http://gateway/SNAPSHOT?id=***
- 2FA: Fixed a reset not working issue
- SSH: Improved performance
- Video Acceleration available on multi-monitors
- Fixed a Two Factor Authentication file locking issue introduced in build 1076
- Supports high quality AAC audio output. SparkView now has both great audio and video output.
- Reverse Agent is a standalone application and can be installed as a Windows Service.
- dvc_gfx_min.js is not needed anymore.
7.0.0, build 1075, Dec 12, 2024
- GFX Video (H.264) Acceleration on desktop mode (no RemoteApp yet), session shadowing (broadcasting), and session recording.
- Group Policey changes:
Prioritize H.264/AVC 444 graphics mode for Remote Desktop Connections: "Enable"
Configure compression for RemoteFX data: "Enable", "Do not use an RDP compression algorithm"
- Make sure the new dvc_gfx_min.js is included in your web page.
- HTTP Proxy: Added path and path whitelist for the HTTP Reverse Proxy
- Agent: Fixed a broken pipe issue on Linux, and new installer for Linux
- ALL: Fixed "can not upload the same file consecutively" issue in Chromium based browsers
- ALL: Use absolute file path instead in FileMonitorInterface
- RDP: "disabledKeys" in gateway.conf allows up to 5 keys for shortcut key combinations (was 4)
- RDP: Slightly improved the performance
- RDP: Added more keyboard layouts in rdp.html/login.html
- SSH: Added "Light" and "Classic" themes
- SSH: Added Remote character Set decoding.
6.4.0, build 1071, August 31, 2024
- HTTP Proxy: Fully redesigned with better performance, better compatibility and better URL replacement. Please check the Admin Manual for more details.
- ALL: HttpOnly flag is added to server side cookies
- RDP: Fixed a signing issue on native shadowing.
- Agent: Fixed a starting issue when the system is slow.
- HTTP Proxy: Improved the performance; Added Replace Absolute Link option in config.html; Fixed a bug with cookie domain replacement etc
- RDP: Workaround for BouncyCastle version conflict issue when customer has another version of library in use.
- RDP: Fixed extra character issue when Traditional Chinese IME are used in both local and remote.
- ALL: new com.toremote.gateway.plugin.FileMonitorInterface for plugin, which allow your plugin to monitor file operations if your plugin implemented this interface.
build 1068, July 30, 2024
- SAML: fixed a response parsing error, both NameId and EmailAddress can be used as username
- ALL: Primary and joined session numbers are also logged.
- hi5.notifications supports customized buttons
build 1067, July 21, 2024
- HTTP Proxy: better support on absolute links.
- RDP: Fixed a copy issue on iOS.
- login.html: Set hi5.appcfg.newWindow: "default" to stop opening new connection in new Window
- RDP: Added hi5.appcfg.reconnectInterval (milliseconds) for the auto reconnecting.
- RDP: Fixed a connection issue with RDP native shadowing (shadow.html) when credSSP = false in gateway.conf
build 1066, June 27, 2024
- ALL: Fixed a freezing issue with when extra fields are requested
- ALL: Added refresh() method for
- reconnectTimes works on joined sessions too.
6.3.0, build 1065, June 02, 2024
- RDP: Kerberos authentiation with credentials, smart card
- RDP: Remote Credential Guard based Single Sign-On (SSO)
- RDP: Smart card authentication support on macOS
- ALL: New reverse agent allow you connect to anywherereverse.pdf
- Facelift
- Bug fixes.
- We release new builds 2-3 times a month with bug fixes and new features. Please check release.txt for the newest updates
6.2.0, build 1013, August 14, 2022
- VMWare html console support.
- The server of vnc.html can be a weboscket address if you know the ticket, for example: wss://
- User vmware.html if you know the ESX credentials.
- Check vmware/index.html for proxy method.
- SSH: Better unicode (Chinese, Japanese) support.
- SSH: Supports GB2312 and Shift-JIS encoding.
- SSH: Supports line drawing mode.
- HTTP Proxy: https://Gateway/PXY/https/, set http.proxy.enable=true in gateway.conf to enable it
- New Windows and macOS agents for smart card and scanner redirection.
- Bug fixes.
- We release new builds 2-3 times a month with bug fixes and new features. Please check release.txt for more details.
- RDP: WebUSB based USB redirection.
- RDP: No temporary file generated on gateway when you copy a file from the server.
- RDP: New cipherSuitesClient in gateway.conf to configure the cipher suites used in RDP connection.
- RDP: New "enforce" value for credSSP entry in gateway.conf.
- RDP: RDP server plugin for monitor server (15).
- RDP: New toolsdir entry in gateway.conf which will be automatically redirected as a drive and run the RDP plugin for the monitor server (15).
- RDP: Fixed "Access denied" issue when downloading a file with Alternated Data Streams.
- RDP: Workaround for Chrome full screen bug 1281939.
- SSH: New cmdList parameter for SSH command whitelist or blacklist.
- SSH: Supports BCrypt encrypted key file and PKCS#8 format, and aes-256-ctr private key.
- SNMP support.
- New sessiondashboard.html reference implementation for session notification.
- Don't trust connections from localhost in config.html and API with trustLocal = false in gateway.conf.
- Fixed a UPN login issue on Active Directory integration.
- Standalone Monitor Server for monitoring, event logging.
- Fixed downloading issue when files includes special characters.
- We release new builds 2-3 times a month with bug fixes and new features. Please check release.txt for more details.
- Supports native RDP shadowing. You can use shadow.html to shadow any active RDP sessions.
- Better audio encoding with new thread.
- Better resolution change support in session recording.
- Fixed recorded session playback issue when the resolution is wrong.
- Spark View becomes free personal version by default (allow 2 concurrent sessions) if license file was not found.
- ⚠Incompatibility warning: audiorecorder_min.js is added and it'll be loaded by the libaray automatically. Make sure you deploy it along with other JS files.
- We release new builds 2-3 times a month with bug fixes and new features. Please check release.txt for more details.
- Supports Webcam redirection.
- Supports Scanner redirection.
- Supports ADFS OAuth2.
- Get multi session information at a time with the HTTP session API: http://yourGateway/SESSION?ids=session1,sessions2&...
- Fixed RemoteApp resizing issue.
- Fixed a specific DIB format issue on clipboard redirection.
- Fixed validTo parameter not working issue on HTTP SYMLINK API.
- We release new builds 2-3 times a month with bug fixes and new features. Please check release.txt for more details.
- Download
- File: SMB2 and SFTP access with file.html (SMB, SFTP proxy).
- RDP: Recording, drive redriection etc can use SMB share.
- RDP: Download (copy) files from RDP server directly without prompting (set fileUnprompted in gateway).
- RDP: Async text, image copy/paste on Chrome (Image needs Ver 76 and later).
- RDP: Don't zip file when download (copy) one file only.
- RDP: Fixed transferCredential: false not working on domain user issue.
- RDP: Set transferCredential on data source (AD, LDAP data source in servers.json)
- RDP: Progress notification of PDF converting.
- RDP: Fixed InvalidPathException when file name has zone identifier (Alternative Data Stream) on redirected drive
- RDP: Increased default printing timeout to 20 minutes (set maxPrintTime in gateway.conf)
- RDP: Fixed duplicated PrtScn key issue on Linux Chrome.
- RDP: set box-sizing of PDF dialog as "content-box" to avoid boostrap css conflict.
- RDP: Copy/paste file doesn't depend on mapDisk = true any more.
- RDP: onloggedin event fired on XRDP too.
- RDP: Fixed a PS to PDF converting error when printing big PDF files.
- RDP: Fixed a high CPU usage issue caused by HTML to RTF converting (Copy/Paste).
- RDP: Added Muti-Monitor option on login.html, login2.html, login3.html.
- RDP: Fixed white screen issue when RDP session is redirected to a RDP server with multiple network cards.
- RDP: Better timezone detection on non-IE browsers.
- RDP: Send scancode instead for numbers on unicode keyboard.
- VNC: Supports RFB3.7+
- VNC: Supports TLS, VeNCrypt etc encryptions.
- SSH: Deploy, test, run your application in the cloud with Spark Gateway and Spark Agent.
- SSH: Supports ssh-rsa, ecdsa-sha2 certificates
- SSH: User name can be undefined on certificate based authentication.
- SSH: Improved SFTP file downloading performance.
- SSH: Session can be paused too.
- SSH: Can upload file bigger than 1GB (up to 8PB).
- SSH: Display image or download file with base64 command.
- SSH: Fixed a Keyboard Interactive authentication issue.
- SSH: SSH: Fixed a display issue with PowerShell on Linux.
- SSH: onusername and onauthprompt events to customize authentication UI.
- SSH: Text selcteion in SSH improved, background color is customizable with hi5.appcfg.selectionColor = "white"
- SSH: onclose supports "expected" argument too.
- SSH: fixed onerror not fired issue when gateway is down.
- SSH: Option to disable auto resolution change (set reconnectOnResize as false, same as RDP).
- SSH: Added reconnect(width, height) method (same as RDP).
- SSH: Fixed \| key issue on UK keyboard
- SSH: Fixed disconnection issue when click on "Your position".
- Active Directory Integration: User can change the password from login.html and get notified when password will expire.
- Added sso.html example for VPN integration.
- Fixed a OpenLDAP authentication issue.
- File Manager UI can be sorted by clicking on the table tile.
- Increased default header size of HTTP to 16K from 8K (set maxRequestBytes in gateway.conf)
- Improved performance on HTTP Session API.
- RDP: Automatically choose the best printer driver for target OS if printer driver is not configured.
- RDP: Supports text only printers: Receipt, Label printers.
- RDP: New native Smart Card Agent for Windows and macOS, replaced the old Java Applet.
- RDP: Fixed a deadlock issue on session shadowing
- RDP: Fixed unicode file name encoding issue when gateway running on Ubuntu.
- RDP: Fixed file uploading issue when the file size is bigger than 6G (now up to 8PB).
- RDP: Fixed Safari audio playing back issue when open RDP connection in an new window.
- RDP: Fixed issue that people can download other user's file if they know the user GUID and file name (rdpcore_min.js, SparkGateway.jar). Cookie in browser must be enabled, otherwise, user can not download files.
- RDP: Fixed encrypted PDF file printing issue.
- RDP: Fixed 2 PDF files generated issue when printing multiple files.
- RDP: Fixed IE RemoteApp resizing issue when running under Kiosk Mode.
- RDP: Fixed reconnecting issue on Firefox when "You PDF file may not display correctly" toolbar appear.
- RDP: Added Danish keyboard
- RDP: Fixed paste image issue on IE
- RDP: Send scancode instead for numbers on unicode keyboard(Some filted inputs only accept scancode)
- VNC: Fixed VNC memory leak issue when keep connecting and disconnecting.
- Fixed file uploading dialog becoming smaller bug after uploading files when bootstrap css is used.
- Fixed file dialog disappear issue when resizing the browser (surface_min.js)
- SSH: Select and copy text to local clipboard.
- SSH: Fixed ping method an affect VIM editor input issue.
- SSH: Fixed SSH display issue when connecting to Procurve and Aruba Switches.
- SSH: Fixed SFTP(SSH) downloading issue when file path includes ..
- SSH: reconnectOnResize proptery and reconnect(newWidth, newHeight) method are also available.
- Okta integration.
- Tested on Open JDK 11 and zulu Open JDK 11.
- Supprts the newest credSSP version 6 (Microsoft CredSSP updates for CVE-2018-0886)
- Supports sftp, curve25519-sha256 KexAlogorithms and ed25519 key file on SSH
- Support server group, user group
- Better concurrent session shadowing when resetOnJoin = true
- Better IME, mouse wheel gesture (2 finger) support on iOS and Andorid
- New portCheckTimes, portCheckInterval parameters for server status checking.
- New fontFamily, lineHeight parameters for SSH
- New player.html (Playing local file) and playerremote.html (Playing files on gateway)
- Fixed some RemoteApp windows are not centered issue
- Fixed large file (>4GB) uploading issue
- Fixed Convert/NonConvert key not working issue on Japanese keyboard
- Fixed numlock sync issue after browser is resized
- Fixed half hour timezone issue, such as IST.
- Fixed some pages missing issue when printing multiple files together
- Fixed some temporary files were not deleted issue
- Fixed remote copy/paste issue when running in Electron
- Fixed mouse wheel (2 fingers) moving too fast issue on iOS and Android
- Fixed resolution change issue when switching back from other apps on iOS
- Fixed VNC Command key stuck issue on Mac.
- File drag and drop. You can drag a file to remote desktop or file explorer directly. Need to set copyFile=true in gateway.conf to enable it. (RDP)
- RDP 6.1 bulk compression support.
- Supports microphone redirection on Safari (Ver 11 or later) too.
- Better multiple files printing support (RDP).
- RemoteApp task bar when running multiple RemoteApps in one browser window (login.html, exampleRemoteApp2.html) (RDP).
- New copyToLocal, copyToRemote RDP parameters for fine control of clipbaord redirection.
- New writeClipboard method to write text, html, image to remote clipboard (RDP).
- New onLockKeyState event on RDP and VNC.
- New sendKeyboardSynchronize(scroll, numlock, capital) (RDP).
- Keyboard auto-detection.
- Fixed "can not swtich focus back from addresssbar on IE" issue.
- Fixed a connection issue on Remote Assitance (assist.html).
- Fixed double cursor issue on Remote Assistance (assit.html).
- Fixed multiple monitor connection issue when screen is scaled on Windows.
- Fixed audio plack issue on Edge.
- Fixed unicode keyboard issue on XRDP.
- Fixed blurry screen issue when mouse move to Chrome toolbar.
- Fixed extra text blink cursor issue on IE.
- VNC supports Hextile encoding, QEMU extended key event and LED State Pseudo-encoding.
- 16 bit color support on Tight Encoding (VNC).
- Fixed session shadowing issue when Tight Encoding is used on VNC.
- Fixed Print and Pause key not working issue on QEMU VNC.
- Better xterm terminal support on SSH.
- Better performance on SSH.
- Supports 24 bit color on SSH.
- New terminlaType parameter for SSH.
- Joined SSH user can see the historay data too.
- Click special effect on session shadowing; also supported on playback.
- UI streamlined and improved: show uploading speed, new hi5.ui.Lightbox, better hi5.Draggable etc.
- Fixed extra key up message issue when working with Keepass Auto-Type.
- Better keyboard handling. Including lock key synchronization, key down or key up not captured by browser etc.
- writeText and writeKeyComb method added interval and callback arguments.
- Supports Radius Accept Challenge message.
- syslog integration (Linux).
- Supports SAML integration.
- Fixed extra headers configured in gateway.conf are not applied on XMLHTTP Request issue.
- Fixed file name encoding issue when file has unicode in it on IE.
- Better compatibility with Chromium Embedded Framework and Electron.
- Better RDP performance on all browsers which makes Spark View absolutely faster than any other native or html5 clients in most senarioes
- Better UI response with Web Workers (JavaScript threads) on RDP which makes running multi-sessions on one web page faster and smooth. You can disable Web Workers by setting useWorker: false in appcfg.js.
- Multi-Monitor support
- Play sound (RDP) on IE too with flash fallback.
- Supports multi printers and multi printer drivers (PostScript, PCL, PDF) at the same time.
- Better preformance on RDP recording playback.
- Dragable toolbar
- Auto word wrap on Telnet session.
- User and domain variables can be used in the redirected drive path: "devicePath" in servers.json and tmpdir in gateway.conf. For example: You can set tmpdir= \tmp\${user}\ in gateway.conf.
- Fixed a crash issue when using unicode keyboard on Edge.
- Fixed "Create directory" button not working issue on the file loading interface.
- Fixed mapClipboard switch not working on cached session issue.
- ⚠Incompatiblity warning: You need to include h5core_min.js and rdpcore_min.js in your web pages too since 5.0.
You must configure hi5.libPath if you are using Spark View client side library in your portal and has Web Workers enabled.
- Better user interface, and user experience on mobile devices
- Better external keyboard handling on mobile devices
- IP filters (iptables) configuration on gateway.
- New session shadowing mode: Only one can control, but others can move mouse (setJoinMode(3)).
- Supports multiple cursors in session recording.
- SSH is 3-4 times faster.
- Added bgColor and fgColor parameters, writeText method, onoutput event for SSH.
- Wake On Lan with RDP session
- login.html supports HTTP Basic Authentication too.
- Configure recording filename on browser side too with __record_name parameter
- Option to allow gateway accept symlink connection only: symlinkOnly=true in gateway.conf
- Added blur() method and onfocus event for LocalInterface
- Fixed file uploading dialog visible issue when clipboard redirection is disabled in servers.json.
- Fixed file uploading issue on iOS.
- Fixed incorrect format issue when copying from PowerShell ISE to local computer.
- User name and unique color will be diplayed under the cursor in session shadowing. Set noCursorName: true in appcfg.js to disable it
- Supports muti-factor authentication in RADIUS integration (tested on Azure MFA).
- Seamless session shadowing: no need to reconnet when user joining. The joining may take more time if network is slow. You can go back to the old way by setting resetOnJoin=true in gateway.conf
- Supports the following HTTP Header parameters: gw_user, gw_pwd, gw_server, gw_symlink
- VNC repeater support.
- Better RemoteApp support.
- Recording file auto rotation (limit the size of recording file): recFileSize in gateway.conf
- File type and size fileter for file uploading: file.fileter and file.maxSize in gaeteway.conf
- Option to keep the printing result (PDF) on gateway: keepPrinting in gateway.conf
- More parameters for VNC: trackCursorLocally, ignoreCursor.
- Default value of reconnectTimes is 3 instead of 0.
- Option to ignore useless/duplicate server updating: set updateFix: true in appcfg.js only when you have this kind of issue.
- Right Ctrl and right shift support.
- Fixed copy issue from PowerShell ISE and MS SQL Manager to local.
- Fixed xrdp session shadowing issue.
- Fixed window snap (left, top) issue.
- Fixed Ctrl+-, Cmd+D/E shorcuts issue
- Fixe screen not cleared issue on SSH
- Fixed \| key issue on Portuguese keyboard.
- Fixed incorrect color issue when joining a symlink.
- Fixed IBM SPSS Modeler RemoteApp closing issue.
- Fixes SSH connection issue on touch screen.
- Fixed text cursor not visible issue on black background.
- Fixed a deaklock issue when using joining a symlink and createif=on.
- Fixed mousewheel click issue on RDP, mousewheel scrolling issue on XRDP
- Fixed Ctrl+A, Ctrl+E, Ctrl+Shift+6, Ctrl+Break issue on SSH and Telnet
- Fixed getRecordingFile retured null issue in plugin's onSessionCreated.
- Fixed mousewheel peroformance issue on VNC.
- Fixed Alt + NumPad issue on VNC.
- Better performance, about 16% faster on RDP and VNC connection.
- Supports VRDP (VirtualBox RDP) video redirection.
- Better performance on joined sessions.
- Improved performance on session recording and CPU usage.
- Reduced garbage collection time.
- Added startPing method on VNC JS object too.
- Supports bgColor, fgColor, fontName on Telnet connection.
- Better RTF format support on RDP clipboard redirection.
- Set extra HTTP headers in gateway.conf (headers).
- Disabled HTML escaping on generated JSON.
- Symlink joining will check user name, domain name too other than ID.
- Can use java -cp ..\SparkGateway.jar com.toremote.gateway.Mailer to test email configuration
- Added listing server and symlink HTTP API.
- Can create folder, open current folder on file uploading UI.
- Fixed Alt + KyePad 137 not working on remote IE issue.
- Fixed copy issue between two RemoteApps in different sessions.
- Fixed second paste not working on Telnet and SSH issue.
- Fixed "Range error" caused RDP session crash issue (may happen when there is VNC server running in RDP server)
- Fixed RDP session crash issue when keep playing a video with VLC player several hours
- Fixed specific RemoteApp window could not be resized issue
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory.
- Improved compatibility on Cisco, Juniper and Dell VPNs. included workaround for Cisco, Dell VPN JavaScript Rewriter bugs, SSO integration etc.
- Supports HTTP basic authentication which can be used on SSO integration
- Better copy experience.
- Fixed memory leak issue caused by multiple connection and disconnection.
- Fixed a drawing issue when connecting to VMWare Console VNC
- Fixed NumberFormat exception when parameters for symlink are configured on both client and gateway sides.
- Fixed a Excel copy issue between two connected sessions
- Fixed writeKeyComb('Ctrl+Alt+Del') not working on VNC.
- Fixed AltGr key stuck issue on embedded RDP session.
- Fixed screen scrolling up issue when right click on Mac Chrome
- LDAP and RADIUS support.
- Redirect http to https (set redirectToHttps = true in gateway.conf)
- Fewer delay time when joining a session.
- New beforemousedown, aftermouseup events.
- Password on report.html can be MD5 hashed.
- Fixed recording noise issue on VirtualBox RDP
- Fixed RTF format copying issue on Windows 2003.
- Fixed AltGr key not working issue on Putty.
- Fixed mouse position issue when some extensions in use.
- Fixed context menu disappear issue when zoom in on Android.
- Prepare to be surprised: another great performance improvement.
- Better different Smart Cards support.
- Can join the session even main session is closed (if joined session can keep running after main session is closed)
- Improved the audio recording on VirtualBox RDP.
- Added Portuguese, Portuguese(Brazil), Turkish keyboard layouts
- Added symlink and thumbnail columns on session list (config.html).
- Adjust the size of RemoteApp child window to fit current browser window.
- Fixed a RemoteFX black screen issue on Windows 2012 R2.
- Fixed CapsLock sync issue.
- Smart Card redirection support (with Java Applet)
- Keep joined sessions open after the main session was closed: new JS method: rdp.setJoinCloseMode(mode)
- Reduced memory usage and threads on gateway.
- Supports WMF and RTF formats on clipboard redirection.
- Streamlined logging: fewer logs and better performance
- Limit the size of copying content (set copySize in gateway.conf).
- Fixed connection issue on Java 1.8.0_60 when NLA is enabled on RDP server.
- Fixed NumLock sync issue.
- Can join a symlink; And start a new connection if there is no existing connection on the symlink (disabled by default)
- Fixed a mouse position issue when a scaled session running in a div.
- New JS method: LocalSurface.scaleTo(newWidth, newHeight, ignoreAspectRatio), rdp.setVolume()
- Fixed a shift key not working issue on embedded session in Windows 2003.
- Fixed a drawing issue on Windows 2003 if legacy mode was not enabled.
- Get session thumbnail with new Java method in plugin: SessionInformation.getThumbnail()
- Can set up load balance token in appcfg.js which can be used for token based load balancing
- Fixed a exception when Safari in in private mode (iOS)
- Fixed screen auto scrolling issue when RDP session in a scrollable iframe
- Allow user to download the image if user is copying a image which is not supported by browser
- Microsoft Edge and Windows 10 support
- Right click (context menu) copy support on Chrome and IE, Right click paste support on IE
- Can add extra parameters for connection and comment on Symlink
- Can get header information using SessionInformation.getHeader() from plugin
- Can encrypt data files (servers.json, users.json, symlink.json) by setting dataEncrypted=true in gateway.conf
- Support audio recording on VirtualBox RDP too.
- SSH: No need to provide user name, password before connecting; Copy, history browsing support; Ctr+D to close the session; Parameters are not transfered with URL by default.
- Server list can be displayed in ssh.html, vnc.html and telnet.html too.
- Automatically start up the first or specific connection in login.html
- UI improvements: Disconnect button, On-Screen keys which allow Ctrl+Click and Shift+Click etc
- New onsessionpause event and allow user to set obj.warn = false to disable warning message.
- More customizable options for appcfg.js.
- rdp.sessionInfo.joinedSessions to get a list of joined sessions.
- Added clientHost parameter for RDP which allow user to specify the local host name.
- Allow sending extra parameters to client side in plugin: parameters.put(AbstractSessionHandler.ARG_CLIENT_PROPERTIES, "key=value&name=value");
- com.toremote.recording.Merger can merge recored VNC session too.
- Disable key combinations in gateway.conf: disabledKeys=29+56+211,56+1 will disable Ctrl+Alt+Del and Alt+Esc
- Disable webfeed cache in gateway.conf: webfeedCache=false
- Fixed null pointer issue when getting recorded file name of VNC session in plugin
- Fixed Ctrl+Alt+Shift+* shortcut not working issue.
- Fixed work area size issue when RemoteApp running in a DIV.
- Fixed blinking dot issue on IE (touch screen only)
- Fixed duplicated characters issue when using voice input on Android.
- Fixed RemoteApp wrong title issue and partial painting issue.
- Fixed text cursor inverting issue on input fields with black background.
- Fixed Spanish `ยด key issue on unicode keyboard
- Fixed a 'string is too big' issue when using big cursor on IE within CheckPoint VPN.
- Fixed non-breaking space issue one IE with unicode keyboard
- Remote audio recording (Microphone) support.
- Improved the performance and memory usage.
- RDP Dynamic Virtual Channel support.
- Better file uploading performance and bandwidth usage
- Can pause a session which can be used on shadowing sessions.
- Seeking support when playing recorded file from local.
- Ping support.
- Keyboard input was rewritten and perfect non-English keyboard support on Firefox.
- Fixed a Japanese keyboard issue.
- Fixed RemoteApp window resize issue when pinch zoom.
- Fixed Window scroll issue when pinch zoom on IE
- Fixed Ctrl+N opening new tab issue on Firefox when unicode keyboard is used.
- Fixed copying XML issue when using copy dialog
- Fixed bold font issue when copying RTF format.
- Incompatible change: file uploading and Virtual Channels doesn't work on Safari 5 anymore.
- Recording session directly on client side (add recording_min.js to your web page).
- Support continuous printing jobs.
- Better RTF format support when copying formated text from WordPad or other applications which only support RTF format.
- Fixed UPN name login issue on webfeed integration.
- Fixed copy button was not displayed issue when driver redirection and shadowing are disabled
- Fixed printing issue when PCL printer driver is used.
- Fixed seek not working issue on recording player on IE.
- Fixed onuploadingCancelled not fired issue.
- Fixed PDF display issue under Chrome WebApp.
- Fixed printer was not redirected issue on Windows 2012 R2 when drive and sound redirection are disabled.
- Fixed session terminated issue when using Photoshop CS.
- Fixed wrong recording duration issue on rare case.
- Other minor fixes and changes.
- OAuth2 integration, support Google, Microsoft Live Connect, Yahoo etc
- Keys filter on gateway (set disabledKeys in gateway.conf).
- Support more clipboard formats, including RTF and PNG, and better image copy/paste
- Improved log in performance on MS RD Web Integration.
- Option to replace the duplicated file directly during uploading (existingFile: "replace" in appcfg.js).
- Start up a remote a connection automatically when logged in using login.html (startup option in appcfg.js)
- Option to disable window resizing on joined remoteapp sessions (appcfg.js)
- Added onuploadingCancelled event for the JavaScript library.
- Added Spanish language.
- Don't resize the session when virtual keyboard is on on Window IE model UI.
- Fixed 16 bit and 8 bit image copy issue
- Fixed onSessionTerminate called twice issue in plugin
- Fixed recording file is not release before onSessionTerminate (plugin).
- Fixed connection issue when 32 bit color is forced in published RemoteApp (RD Web Integration)
- Fixes a pasting Chinese characters issue.
- Fixed copying image issue on Windows 8 with virtual keyboard.
- Fixed record warning not correctly displayed issue.
- Fixed multi line copying issue on Chrome (caused by incompatible API change on Chrome 38).
- Improved file uploading: can cancel and resume uploading, check free space before uploading etc.
- Improved copy, paste between sessions.
- New EchoHandler can be used for network testing; Added NetworkChecker tool in
- Updated to Chrome Web App Version 2, now you can use Ctrl+N etc in Chrome Web App.
- More user friendly message when connection was refused.
- Added disableScrollbars option in hi5.appcfg.
- Disable context menu on Canvas only.
- Use single instance of AudioContext to avoid Chrome's AudioContext release bug
- Disable local IME when remote IME is used on Japanese keyboard.
- Fixed Previous/next button always visible issue on iOS 8.
- Fixed key "<>" issue on German Switzerland keyboard.
- Fixed paste issue when using soft keyboard on Windows 8 and iOS
- Fixed pasting image to MS Word not recognized issue.
- Fixed mouse button out of browser releasing issue.
- Fixed mouse wheel issue on newest version of Mac OS.
- Fixed wrong join link issue in Chrome Web App.
- Fixed a TELNET connection issue introduced in 4.1.
- Fixed duplicated RemoteApp closing notification issue (RemoteApp plugin)
- Recording and playback support on VNC, TELNET, SSH.
- Merge recorded files with com.toremote.recording.Merger.
- Better recording/playback support on resized RDP session.
- New HTTP API for creating server, symlink dynamically without writing plugin.
- credSSP option in gateway.conf can be true, false, or auto.
- Gateway id (configured in gateway.conf) or host name is included in the email notification.
- Can configure the style of PC Keys in rdp.css.
- Display license information in config.html
- Fixed wrong file name issue when uploaded file name includes ( or ), IE only.
- Fixed German (Swiss) keyboard input issue.
- Fixed a recording thread was not closed immediately issue.
- Fixed a cursor drawing issue on Hyper-V console session (before logged in)
- Fixed input cursor too big issue on Windows 8 with touch.
- Fixed Half/Full character key issue on Japanese keyboard.
- Fixed zoom level is not restored issue when remote assistance session was disconnected.
- Fixed a line drawing issue under embedded RDP sessions.
- Fixed copy image issue on Firefox and IE.
- Fixed a repeated character issue on Firefox.
- Fixed a OpenID issue.
- Support Remote Assistance.
- Support SSH and TELNET protocols.
- Support multiple Virtual Channels on browser side (only one allowed before 4.0).
- Support multiple Gateway Channel which can be used for communicaiton between browser and gateway.
- Support orientation change on IE11 too
- Fixed AltGr key issue on Chromebook with unicode keyboard.
- Fixed paste issue on Ubuntu Firefox
- Fixed wrong touch detection on Firefox 24
- Fixed repeated character issue on Firefox with unicode keyboard
- Support image and html copy/paste in all browsers.
- Support shared clipboard on gateway which allow you copy anything among connections.
- Support Alt E/V/A/T/H keys on IE (reserved for IE menu).
- Can leave session connected on gateway and connect back from other devices.
- Can set up supported SSL protocols and client authentication for SSL.
- Audio playing performance improved.
- Workaround for IE11 cursor bug (IE11 bug 801833).
- Display print dialog directly
- CredSSP works on all Java versions.
- Use copy dialog to notify user when using copy menu instead of Ctrl+C. Set copyDialog: true in appcfg.js to force using copy dialog always.
- Support uploading directory in Chrome and Opera.
- Fixed zero size file uploading issue.
- Fixed minWidth/minHeight doesn't work after orientation changed
- Fixed Spanish keyboard (Unicode and non-unicode) issue.
- Fixed audio playback broken issue on Firefox 26.
- Fixed wrong html link issue on load banlanced gateway.
- Fixed null object issue on joined VNC conection.
- onTextReceived method is final in AbstractHandler, please use onText instead.
- remoteAppLogin in appcfg.js deprecated, please use hideLogin instead.
- Support VNC protocol (vnc.html) and shadowing.
- Support customized cursor on IE
- Support auto reconnect (set reconnectTimes in appcfg.js)
- Auto reload the last used connection settings on rdp.html
- Upload license file from config.html
- Fixed cross-domain trust issue when using webfeed integration
- Fixed drive redirection issue on particular RDP hosts.
- Fixed input issue on IE 11 (Windows 8.1 with touch)
- Fixed paste issue on IE with touch.
- Fixed copy issue when using unicode keyboard on Firefox
- Fixed stopped progress issue on the player.
- Fixed numpad key issue after window resized.
- Set up error code in ClientException (plugin)
- UPDATE: replace SparkGateway.jar, html directory.
- You need to recompile your plugin if you are using sessionInformation.getConfig(), now it returns SessionConfig which is the parent class of RdpConfig and VncConfig.
- Support RemoteApp shadowing
- Support session thumbnail in plugin
- Support macro recording for software testing or automated jobs
- Better touch gesture support, better mouse wheel emulation
- Send any key combinations using writeKeyComb
- Can run as Chrome Packaged App
- Import OU from Active directory
- Configure default domain in appcfg.js
- Fixed copy issue on Safari 6
- Fixed plugin loading issue when using RD Web Access Portal integration
- File share will be disabled if the browser doesn't support FileReader
- Fixed invisible file browser after drag a file to desktop
- Fixed extra mouse down issue when pinch zoom on IE
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory.
- Warning: You may need to recompile your plugin
- Fixed a security issue.
- Fixed a paste issue introduced in 3.3.2
- Fixed screen position change issue when copying and remote resolution is bigger than local browser window
- Width=height=0 means using full browser window
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory.
- Better installer for Windows.
- Fixed RemoteApp issue when app is not closed from the file menu.
- Fixed a freeze issue when copying on Excel
- Added "Open in existing Window" option in rdp.html, default is true for iOS.
- Fixed a Chinese input issue on Android Firefox
- Added onclientactivity and onremoteappstart event
- Fixed a connection issue on Firefox 10
- Fixed a copy/paste issue on Yozo Office
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory.
- Fixed a stick key alert issue (introduced in 3.3)
- Fixed a wrong RemoteApp position issue(introduced in 3.3)
- Fixed RemoteApp symlink issue.
- Fixed a paste issue on Firefox (introduced in 3.3)
- Better non-unicode keyboard support on Mobile OS.
- Added "Open in existing window" option in login.html
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, *.js files, config.html, login.html.
- Streamlined for Windows 8 touch interface (including Surface, RT tablets)
- Symlink support, you can create a temporary or permanent access link for a RDP host.
- Can paste image from local to remote (Chrome only).
- Fixed a drawing issue on specific load balanced RDP server.
- Better IME compatibility (Hand writing etc) on Android Firefox.
- Can hide RemoteApp login screen by set remoteAppLogin = false
- Added onsessionlogin interface in session plugin (Warning: Plugin interface changed)
- Can use config.html remotely (set password and enable remoteManage in gateway.conf).
- Added logged in user name information to report.html.
- Don't need to restart the gateway when license file is updated.
- Fixed handshake error is not delivered to client issue.
- Fixed the <> key issue on Italian keyboard.
- Fixed mouse input issue when remote resolution is bigger than local browser Window.
- Fixed shift+click issue.
- Fixed Windows/shift key release issue.
- Better UI for config.html.
- Fixed a RemoteApp issue on iOS5.
- Fixed printing dialog (PDF dialog) closing issue on IE10
- Fixed onclose not fired issue on Mac Safari and Chrome.
- Fixed non-standar RDP port issue on RD Web Access Portal Integration.
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory.
- Better performance on Chrome and Safari.
- Support external plugin jar file, specify pluginFile in gateway.conf.
- Better Android Chrome and Firefox support. Work around for Android Chrome bug 118639.
- Better IME support on desktop and mobile browsers, Better Chinese IME support on Firefox and IE10.
- Toolbar can be customized. Incompatibility Warning: toolbar definition must be in your web page, otherwise, it will not be displayed.
- Email notification when license expire etc.
- Better function key mapping and Windows(Search) key support on Chrome OS.
- Fixed a RemoteApp window resize issue.
- Fixed AltGr key issue on unicode keyboard
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory.
- Fixed image drawing issue introduced in 3.1
- Control key on Mac will be translated to Windows key
- Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (Command+Alt+Delete on Mac) will be translated to Ctr+Alt+Del.
- Can use browser's copy/paste menu for clipboard redirection.
- Fixed adding server issue on config.html, introduced in 3.1
- Fixed a no reponse issue when pasting.
- Fixed shift+Arrow keys issue on unicode keyboard, introdeced in 3.1.
- Fixed a null pointer issue on expired evaluation license.
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory.
- Another 20%-30% performance improvement, which makes Spark View faster than any native RDP clients.
- Better quality, faster processing on sound.
- Better RemoteApp support.
- Session Prelaunch/cache allow user see desktop/RemoteApp right away (check example7.html).
- User session idle timeout support, set idleUserSession in gateway.conf.
- Can open RemtoeApp in multipel tabs on iOS (slower than opening in same window).
- Auto scale on joined sessions.
- Better IME processing.
- Can delete file directly in the File uploading/downloading dialog.
- Can enable/disable DNS lookups in gateway.conf.
- Improved page loading speed.
- Fixed "Can not keep uploading same file" issue.
- Fixed text drawing issue when scrolling screen on some applications.
- Fixed text drawing issue when loging in to an existed session.
- Fixed sticky key alert issue when using unicode keyboard.
- Fixed relogin issue when resizing the browser Window.
- Fixed "can not disable clipboard redirection issue"".
- Fixed extra "A" issue when pasting data.
- Fixed data size issue on client side VirtualChannel extension.
- Fixed -=+ key issue on Firefox
- Fixed Chinese input issue on duplicated characters.
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory.
- Warning: DNS lookups is disabled by default.
- RemoteFX (Video Acceleration) support.
- Better performance. It's even faster than native RDP clients.
- Reduced memory usage on Firefox. Firefox 18 is recommended.
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory
- Active directory integration.
- Can listen on 2 ports at the same time (e.g. http and https).
- Better Network Level Authentication (CredSSP, don't need to enter credentials when login) and load balancing support.
- Fixed a sound playing issue on Mobile Safari 6 (iOS6).
- Fixed a 32 bit color issue.
- Fixed a printing dialog closing issue on Safari.
- Fixed a Ctrl, Alt key (external keyboard) issue on touch OS
- Client host name can be customized.
- Fixed a Japanese IME issue.
- Fixed an AltGr key issue on xrdp and some applications.
- Slightly improved the performance.
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory
- Supports Windows 8, Windows 2012 and touch remoting, can turn any tablets into Windows 8 tablets.
- Supports Hyper-V console
- Better pinch zoom, on-screen PC keys on touch interface
- Auto scale when in player or join mode.
- Fixed a force close issue when opening few RemoteApps
- Fixed an uploading file size issue.
- Fixed a iOS crash issue when submit the request.
- Fixed a password display issue on config.html
- Fixed a mouse position issue when when you have some third party toolbars installed.
- Better IME support
- Performance improvement, especially on Safari 6 (iOS 6).
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory
- OpenID integration, you can log in with your Google Account.
- Streamlined for IE 10.
- Streamlined for smart phones, support pinch zoom, scrolling screen when typing etc.
- Drag file from the file browser directly to you local desktop (Chrome Only)
- Can pass parameters to SparkGateway.init(Properties params) instead of using gateway.conf file
- Can get session information from client side(JS library).
- Can control recording in Handshake plugin.
- Webfedd URL can use non-443 port.
- Join link can use gateway address configured on server side.
- Fixed a RemoteApp display problem on MS Office 2013
- Fixed a typo on the name of ShadowingInterface(plugin)
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory
- Support more audio decodings. 80% less bandwidth usage (when playing audio) compared with previous version and other HTML5 solutions.
- Support audio recording too.
- Support screen scrolling when remote desktop is bigger than local window.
- More gestures on touch interface, you can use touch pad mode (relative mouse movement) any time with 2 finger operation. Swipe for scrolling screen, Swipe from bottom for Page Down, Swipe from top for Page Up, 3 finger tap for displaying keyboard, 3 finger move for mouse wheel emulation
- Improved RemoteApp support
- Performance and compatibility improved on RD Web Access Integration
- Support RDP virtual channel extension on client side too (Using JavaScript).
- Performance improved on Safari, Opera
- Fixed a line drawing issue on specific applications
- Fixed a file uploading issue when using RemoteApp
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory
- RDP Session shadowing support. Multiple users can join/share one existing session via one click.
- RDP Session shadowing plugin.
- Notification UI improved.
- Fixed an autoreconnect issue on load balanced VM.
- Support loadbalanceinfo.
- Back up gateway.conf before it's saved by config.html.
- Config UI improved.
- More international keyboards
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory
- Fixed a performance issue on multiple connections(introduced in 2.1.2)
- Fixed auto reconnection issue (don't need to enter user name and password again when reconnect).
- Fixed undefined value issue on config.html
- Fixed file handle lock issue on sessionTerminat event (Plugin)
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, rdp_min.js and config_min.js
- User and server configuration UI: config.html
- Fixed a whitespace issue when setting cookies with PHP(Use rawurlencode instead of urlencode can avoid this issue)
- Can choose printer driver and use PCL printer driver.
- New handler plugin, can be used to adding new features to gateway (support new protocol etc)
- A self-signed certificagte added to the installer
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all .js files and config.html
- Gateway allow host name mismatched certificate on RD Web feed.
- Fixed a "Not authorised" issue when using RemoteApp.
- Fixed a "Access Permission" issue when using the client library in iframe
- Resource file path can be recognized correctly
- Can config image path in appcfg.js(You usually don't need to do this because of the previous fix).
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all .js files
- We managed to improve the performance again, especially on applications like Excel, Word etc
- Improved the compatibility of RD Web Access Portal Integration. You can use this feature even on Linux now
- Can use ip range in serves.json
- Configuration UI for gateway.conf: config.html
- Allow logged in user access not-in-list computers, must set accessNotInList = true in gateway.conf
- Don't show "End of transmission" error anymore
- A new Java command line tool for reporting and license checking
- A WebSocket client (supports wss) which can be used to communicate with gateway directly
- Show server address on browser title
- Fixed "Size undefined" error when playing file on server.
- Fixed a black cursor issue on Linux Terminal Windows(xrdp)
- Display a web link button when user copy a web link in remote computer, disable it by setting rdp.openLink = false (Client side JS)
- New player plugin which allow playing file from any storage
- Can disable console log by setting svGlobal.log = 0 (Client side JS)
- Gateway works on non-Oracle JDK too
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory
- File uploading/downloading enhancement, you can set up download only directory.
- Play/broadcast recorded session on server.
- Fixed a line drawing issue.
- Plugin enhancement: new virtual channel plugin and RemoteApp plugin, session management in plugin etc. Please download the new plugin example.
- Fixed a backslash issue on UK keyboard and support user defined keyboard layout.
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, rdp.html, player.html and js files only.
- RemoteApp improvement, works better when open another RemoteApp in current app.
- Can set up session recording in serers.json (per sever level).
- 3 finger tap to activate software keyboard on touch interface.
- Notification when user don't use keyboard for copy/paste.
- Plugin example. Please download this Eclipse project from our web site.
- UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar and js files only
- Fixed a RemoteApp drawing issue.
- Exposed recording file path to plugin
- Chinese language translation.
- UPDATE: html directory and SparkGateway.jar
- Session recording and playback. Recorded in RDP stream format for auditing and monitoring purpose.
- Recorded file has smallest size and best quality which can be played anywhere and any devices.
- Rotation support on iPad
- Blackberry Playbook OS 2.0 support
- New session, users and servers plugins.
- Can set up auto reconnect times.
- Downloading/uploading UI tuning
- Downloading/uploading files on mobile OS(download only in iOS).
- Don't save password to local storage
- User can choose a correct time zone name if time zone redirection is enabled on RDP host.
- User can specify the name of the shared disk.
- Better compatibility to applications which don't support unicode
- Shared disk can report correct free space.
- Support printing and disk mapping on Ulteo xrdp.
- Can make tool bar always displayed
- Can put your customization code in a seperated js file: appcfg.js.
- Fixed a drawing issue on some reporting software and xrdp
- Fixed a copy/paste issue when using Unicode keyboard
- Fixed uploading issue on Firefox
- Fixed a RemoteApp connection issue on Opera.
- UPDATE: html directory and SparkGateway.jar
- RD Web Access Portal integration.(Administrator's Manual 3.3)
- Fixed a line drawing issue.
- Fixed a display issue which only happens on some RemoteApps.
- Fixed a stick key issue.
- UPDATE: html directory and SparkGateway.jar
- Fixed a printing issue introduced in 1.9.1
- Fixed a connection issue when resizing the browser window
- Fixed a connection issue on Firefox when ssl enabled.
- UPDATE: rdp_min.js, hi5_min.js, surface_min.js and SparkGateway.jar
- Bandwidth reduced by 30% on Chrome 16 and IE 10, performance is also improved
- Create temporary directory automatically for file uploading/downloading.
- Check license status with reporting API.
- Cloud button will be hidden if file sharing is disabled on gateway
- onerror event for JavaScript RDP object.
- Works on IE10
- UPDATE: html directory and SparkGateway.jar
- File downloading/uploading support.
- Touchpad mode (Relative mouse movement) on touch interface.
- New gateway plug-in make integration easier
- Reporting API for querying server status.
- New Administrator's manual
- Fixed a copy/paste issue on Mac
- Pass cookie to Rdp JS library.
- Added reconnectOnResize and showMsg properties on Rdp JS library
- UPDATE: html directory and SparkGateway.jar
- Android tablets support (Please use Firefox), now we officially support all tablets in market.
- Timezone redirection support.
- servers.json and users.json modification detect and reload automatically.
- Support following shortcut key:
- CTRL+ALT+END Brings up the Windows Security dialog box.
- ALT+PAGE UP Switches between programs from left to right.
- ALT+PAGE DOWN Switches between programs from right to left.
- ALT+INSERT Cycles through the programs in the order they were started.
- ALT+HOME Displays the Start menu.
- ALT+DELETE Displays the Windows menu.
- Can disable HTTP header logging, set logHttpHeader = false in gateway.conf
- Fixed a "display": false doen't work issue when servers.json is a WHITELIST
- UPDATE: html directory and SparkGateway.jar
- API Changes:
- There is a new namespace before all API: svGlobal. Old API will still work in six months
- var r = new svGlobal.Rdp()
- var r = new svGlobal.Rdp2()
- var ui = new svGlobal.LocalInterface()
- svGlobal.util.initDragDrop
- RemoteApp support. Please check Administrator's Guide for more information
- Fixed a drawing issue when using command prompt window
- Added Fast copy option which works better when doing a lot of copy/past
- Only need to replace rdp.html and rdp_min.js for updating.
- Performance improved a lot on Chrome 15 (GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D) and other browsers.
- Fixed a drawing problem (Font cache issue).
- Support non-unicode .rdp file.
- Fixed a copy/paste issue
- Another great performance improvement.
- .rdp file drag and drop support.
- Auto reconnection support.
- Remote screen resolution change automatically after browser window is resized.
- Unicode keyboard added, which works on almost all non-English keyboard layouts.
- SparkView can be registered as a protocol handler, so you can open a link like web+rdp:
- Support context menu copy/paste on Firefox too (Must modify Firefox preferences).
- More ways to integrate with rdpdirect.html.
- Local storage support, user can save connection to local.
- Fixed a copy/paste issue on Chrome, a recent Chrome update broke this and we have a workaround.
- More international keyboard layouts
- Windows X64 service wrapper and Linux/Unix daemon wrapper
- Https and wss(WebScoket secure connection) support
- Support context menu copy/paste if it's a Chrome Web Store app (Chrome only)
- Login.html page refactored and better for integration
- Playing sound on local works perfectly(Paid version only)
- Seamless plain text and unicode copy/paste
- International keyboard support
- Fixed a connection issue on xrdp
- Login UI improved, able to specify icon for connection
- Fixed a NumLock key issue, synchronize NumLock key status automatically
- Able to suppress client message, add "showMessage = false" in gateway.conf
- Windows installer will stop installation if Java is not detected
- Default is on for Clipboard, Printer and Sound redirection
- More APIs exposed on client side: writeText, writeUnicode, writeKeyCode, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, onopen event
- Easy Chrome Frame installation on IE, better browser check
- BlackBerry Playbook support
- Fixed a "Session not disconnected issue" when using TLS
- Fixed a connection issue when password has special characters.
- New Windows installer and service wrapper.
1.6.1 Aug 24, 2011 (Work with Spark Gateway 1.6 and above)
- Better copy support on Chrome (Only if it's a Web Store App)
- Default directory page for Web Server.
- Gateway can bind to one of multiple IPs.
- Better error page for Web Server
1.6 Aug 12, 2011 (Work with Spark Gateway 1.6)
- Printing support(Paid version only)
- Spark View can be hosted by SparkGateway which supports simple web server.
- Client IP as connection name.
- DDoS attack check and prevention(Paid version only)
- Use configuration file instead of arguments.
- log to file.
- Fixed Ctr+C, Ctr+X bug on Firefox
- Other improvements and bug fixes
1.5.2 July 27, 2011 (Work with Spark Gateway 1.5)
- Fixed a cursor issue on Opera.
- Fixed a international character issue on Opera.
1.5.1 July 20, 2011 (Work with Spark Gateway 1.5)
- Fixed a disconnection issue on Windows 7.
1.5 July 12, 2011 (Need update Spark Gateway to 1.5)
- Speed increased by 20%(LAN) to 300%(WAN, bad condition).
- Bandwidth usage reduced by 30%(Image, Video) to 70%
- Less CPU and RAM usage on Gateway.
- Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V support(Paid version only).
- Added "displayName" property for server configuration(servers.json).
- UNICODE(UTF-8) support.
- Client side IME support.
- Auto capitalization support on iPad.
- Fixed a color scheme issue on Windows 2008 R2
- Fixed a cursor issue on 2008 R2
- The default size of remote desktop is to fit the browser window.
- Don't show the scroll bar
- More user friendly error message
- Fixed a user release issue when using user management.
- User management on Gateway
- Map directories on Gateway to RDP host for each connection(Full version only).
- Play sound on remote computer
- iPad usability improvement.
- Can define server list(can be a normal list, whitelist or blacklist) on Gateway
- Can fetch servers from the Gateway on the client
- Can also input computer id for connection, id is defined on the server list.
- Fixed non-standard RDP port issue.
- Fixed start program issue.